Matej Druska
Matej joined INO-HUB Energy as the Chief Financial Officer. Matej has more than 10 years of experience in corporate finance, financial control and planning within energy and battery industry.
Matej began his career at Stredoslovenska energetika Group, after which he joined Slovenske elektrarne, Slovakia’s largest power generation company. While in Slovenske elektrarne, he moved through positions from Financial Controller, Head of Market, Fuel and Regulatory controlling to Deputy Manager of Planning and
Control unit. Prior joining of INO-HUB Energy, Matej held the position of Finance Manager at InoBat Auto, a company specialises in the pioneering research, development, manufacture, and provision of premium innovative electric batteries. Matej holds master’s degree from the University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Economics and Management and ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business.