IPCEI_IE_FLOW_BESS_012021_2. phase
INO-HUB Energy j.s.a., Tomášikova 30, 821 01, Bratislava
Place of realization:
Kysucké Nové Mesto
Brief description of the project:
The aim of the project is to carry out activities in the field of research, development, and innovation related to flow battery systems necessary for the commercial deployment of a pilot energy center with a fully functional and flexible energy management system (EMS) featuring artificial intelligence (AI) elements, which will represent one of the most advanced solutions for electrical energy storage systems.
01/2024 – 08/2026
Total budget:
20 965 058,14 EUR
EU funding:
15 432 379,30 EUR

The project “IPCEI_IE_FLOW_BESS_012021” is co-funded by the European Union.
INO-HUB Energy j.s.a., Tomášikova 30, 821 01, Bratislava
Place of realization:
Kysucké Nové Mesto
Brief description of the project:
The proposed project represents the first phase of the IPCEI project INO-HUB Energy, notified by the European Commission. The aim of the project is to carry out activities in the field of research, development, and innovation related to flow battery systems necessary for the commercial deployment of a pilot energy center with a fully functional and flexible energy management system (EMS) featuring artificial intelligence (AI) elements. As part of the main activity, a portion of the research and development tasks will be implemented in one sub-activity focused on the research and development of flow battery systems for long-term large-capacity energy storage. The outcome of the project will be the advancement of flow battery technology towards stable electrolytes, either by improving the properties of currently used ones or by developing materials with a lower environmental impact.
The amount of the contracted non-repayable financial contribution:
4 346 469,13 EUR